Chelsea Coaches Couples: Elevating your relationship from good to great

You're engaged and feel invincible as a couple. Saying “yes” to the proposal was the easiest decision you’ve made in your life. But now you need to make more and more decisions and quickly become overwhelmed. From guest list to floral colors to first dance song, you and your partner can’t seem to communicate properly about any of it.

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Chelsea Winer, soon to be Chelsea Lombrozo, is here to help! Chelsea is a trained leadership and communication expert that elevates couples from good to great. Guided by the Myers Briggs Type Indicator and CliftonStrengths personality assessments, Chelsea coaches couples to help ease the stress of wedding planning and to better communicate with each other.

Whether you are early on in the wedding planning process or are a newlywed, let’s work together to set your relationship up for success. Chelsea’s mission is to unite couples by providing the perfect blend of tangible takeaways plus reflective resources to make a lasting impact on your relationship. Consider Chelsea your personal couples coach!

Looking for the perfect wedding gift? While a casserole dish or the classic kitchen mixer might be the most popular wedding gifts found on a registry, the gift of a happy and fulfilling life together is priceless! Gift a Couples Coaching session to your favorite couple, or add it to your registry.


Myers Briggs Type Indicator Coaching

Are you introverted or extraverted? Do you make decisions with your head or your heart? The MBTI inventory helps identify your top personality traits. After you complete the assessment, Chelsea will guide you through your results and share tips on how you can work better with others based on your personalized results.

This coaching service is designed for couples who want to improve their understanding of their partner when it comes to communication, decision making, organization, trust, and more!


The Myers Briggs Type Indicator coaching service comes with:

  • Two copies of the MBTI inventory ($100 value)

  • Two 30-minute one on one virtual sessions (each person will meet individually with Chelsea)

  • One 60-minute virtual session as a couple with Chelsea

Contact Chelsea for pricing

CliftonStrengths Coaching

Research suggests that people who focus on their strengths have a higher quality of life. What are your top strengths? After you complete the CliftonStrengths assessment, Chelsea will guide you through your results and share tips on how you can live a more positive life by focusing on your strengths.

This coaching service is designed for couples who want to empower their partner to communicate from a positive/strengths perspective. Couples who utilize this strategy tend to have a more positive outlook on all relationships in their life.


The CliftonStrengths coaching service comes with:

  • Two copies of the CliftonStrengths assessment ($40 value)

  • Two 30-minute one on one virtual sessions (each person will meet individually with Chelsea)

  • One 60-minute virtual session as a couple with Chelsea

Contact Chelsea for pricing

Monthly Couples Coaching

Improving your relationship takes times. Meet with Chelsea on a monthly basis to ensure you are continuously working towards a happy and fulfilling life together. Curriculum topics include defining relationship expectations, introducing traditions into the household, managing daily routines and more. Let’s talk before your wedding, and once you’re married, let’s continue to work together to improve your household on an ongoing basis.

This coaching service is designed for couples who want to dedicate time towards bettering their relationship. Establishing a healthy and open foundation will lead to a longer lasting and healthier relationship.


The Monthly Couples Coaching Service comes with:

  • Monthly 60-minute virtual coaching session with Chelsea

  • A guided, customized curriculum prioritizing topics that interest you the most

  • Fun tasks to complete as a couple between coaching sessions designed to spark a more intense connection

  • Flexibility to stop and/or pause your coaching sessions

Contact Chelsea for pricing