About Me

Hi! I’m Chelsea Winer, soon to be Chelsea Lombrozo, and can’t wait to be your personal leadership coach. I am extremely passionate about maximizing your potential, taking you from good to great. Clients describe me as an inclusive, driven and empathetic coach that will empower you to strengthen your potential as a couple, individual or organization.

I am trained to improve group dynamics and enhance results. Becoming a Myers-Briggs Certified Practitioner and a ClitonStrengths Coach fueled my desire to help others. These assessments offer the perfect blend of tangible takeaways plus reflective resources to make a lasting impact on your life.

I earned my bachelor's degree in Psychology and my master's degree in Educational Leadership. I have experience working with students, young professionals and couples for 8+ years, helping them achieve success. Guided by leadership & psychology assessments, I am passionate about helping you learn skill building techniques to ease your stress, improve group dynamics and live a life of fulfillment.

Certifications & Qualifications

  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Certified Practitioner

  • Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach

  • National Conflict Resolution Center Certificate

  • SafeZones Ally Training

  • Military Ally Awareness Training